Angry customers, negative media coverage, frustrated employees, untold revenue lost, lingering anger from customers: that’s the status for Delta Airlines this week. Of course this is not news to anyone; unless you have been living under a rock you have heard the numerous news reports detailing the Delta computer disaster. Whether caused by a minor power outage at Delta headquarters or an internal computer hiccup, the airline was forced to cancel over 500 flights causing gridlock across America’s airports at the height of vacation season. You may not be running an international transportation corporation, but imagine what would happen to your clients if you had an unexpected IT failure. Think something like this can’t happen to you; think again. The problem that Delta airlines faced was not the power outage at their headquarters, it was an inadequate IT Disaster Recovery Plan. As a business owner you don’t want to be caught off guard in the middle of an IT nightmare. While an IT Disaster Recovery Plan may sound like a great idea you might not even know what one looks like, let alone where to start. Here at Net Works we are your IT partner and are ready to put together a comprehensive IT Disaster Recovery Plan.
The goal of any good plan is fivefold, it should:

Net Works team backing up client servers.
• Minimize the disruption of business operations
• Minimize risk of delays
• Ensure a level of security
• Assure reliable backup systems
• Aid in restoring operations with speed
Net Works has a plan for you!
At Net Works, we are your information technology partner. We will work with you to ensure that your unique IT Disaster Recovery Plan focuses on prevention, anticipation, and mitigation. Before any plan is deployed we will: perform a comprehensive risk assessment, prioritize your processes and operations, inventory all equipment and technology resources. Once these steps have been completed we will create a step-by-step IT Disaster Recovery Plan unique to you and your specific IT environment. Don’t get caught off guard. Disaster could strike at any time and, if you are not properly prepared, you too could experience the pain and disruption we now see for Delta. Contact us today to discuss a customized IT Disaster Recovery Plan.