How to Tell When You Should Perform a Technology Refresh


Did you know a business that makes effective use of technology is three times more likely to surpass its company targets than its competitors? 1 If you want to keep up with the rapidly-evolving landscape of business, you have to keep up with the rapidly-evolving landscape of technology. 

That’s right–you have to get proactive. Even the most advanced software and hardware will eventually become obsolete. It usually doesn’t come to a halt at once, but instead you might encounter a brief freeze here, or an app closing by itself there. This is usually a sign that something is reaching the end of its life cycle. Just like how vehicles need regular checkups and maintenance, your business needs an annual technology review and refresh. The good news? It’s not rocket science; you just assess how compatible your technology is with other systems, identify obsolete elements and trouble areas, then repair or replace them. Okay, it is computer science, but you don’t have to be a super nerd to spot the signs. 

Signs It’s Time to Refresh

Generally, you want to perform a yearly technology refresh to catch any issues early, but here are some signs you should take a more proactive look.

1. Bizarre, erratic behavior

Sometimes an outdated device can show strange behavior, such as mouse movement being inverted, new windows opening for no reason, and your keyboard registering the wrong inputs. If this starts happening, you should consider a technology refresh.

2. Internet disconnections

Occasionally getting cut off from the internet can be annoying, but if it keeps happening, it’s time to look deeper. A software update could solve the problem, but if it doesn’t, you might need to look into replacing outdated components.

Ditch the old technology. Upgrade your business computer network.

3. Frequent slowdowns

Sluggish performance, caused by issues like a virus, incompatibilities, or failure to update, will waste a large chunk of a business’s time. The sooner you track down and remedy the issue, the sooner your company will return to nominal performance.

4. Systems randomly shutting off

Periodic shutdowns for system updates are nothing unusual, but if your devices are shutting down erratically and often, that can be a warning sign. It could be a virus or a power issue, but it could also be that you need to perform a technology refresh.

5. Pop-up scams

Malicious pop-ups usually claim that there are security vulnerabilities or technical issues on a device. They try to exploit anxious users, attempting to extort money by offering solutions for non-existent threats. Refreshing your outdated systems can protect against these cybercriminals.

6. Your technology isn’t integrating properly

Integrating your technology so it can share information is a must for efficiency, and efficiency is a must for business. If any of your technology turns out to be incompatible with your other systems, it’s time for an upgrade.

Refresh Your Tech with Professional Guidance

Keeping up with rapidly evolving technology can be difficult, especially when you run into new and unique problems. To give you a thorough understanding of the technology refresh process, we‘ve written an in-depth eBook titled "6 Factors to Consider When Refreshing Your Technology Infrastructure." You can download it by clicking here

Not only that, but our team of IT management professionals has been working with businesses like yours for decades, and we can help you through each step of the process. With your technology in our hands, you’re free to focus on management and growth. Contact Net Works today for a no-obligations consultation.

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1Source: Adobe Digital Trends Report, 2021

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