Five Signs That You’ve Been Hacked January 28 is Data Privacy Day, and the New Year is the right time for implementing resolutions and fresh starts. Have you resolved to be more vigilant in 2018? Your small business cannot afford to overlook the dangers posed by hackers who are getting more sophisticated every year. But how do you know if …
Cyber-attacks right under the Christmas Tree!!!!
2016 has been filled with news of cyber-attacks and hacking. In February the Central Bank of Bangladesh was the victim of a cyber heist that resulted in $81 million in losses and another $850 million in halted transactions. In July, the Democratic National Committee’s email servers were breached. The resulting leaked emails caused much embarrassment and lead to the resignations …
Downtime…Downtime… Who has time for downtime???????
Your days are filled with making decisions that will guide your business into the future. It is easy to put your IT needs on the backburner, but that will lead to days spent putting out IT fires rather than focusing on your growth. In the 21st century technology is at the center of any business. Your entire operation can grind …
Holiday Hackers
The holidays are traditionally a season to enjoy time with friends and family, to exchange gifts, and to cheerily overindulge in food and drink. Unfortunately, there are Grinches out there that will do everything they can to spoil your holidays with ransomware and other threats. Ransomware has become one of the most widespread and damaging threats that Internet users face. Since …