Why Hackers Target Small Businesses

With the everyday hustle of running a business, you probably don’t schedule in time for spring cleaning of your office devices or records, and it’s not likely to be something that comes to mind when you do happen to have free time. While it might seem like a simple, inconsequential thing, it’s actually the foundation of a national awareness month.


April is Records and Information Management Month, an entire month dedicated to promoting good record keeping and information management. It’s like spring cleaning for your old, duplicate, or insignificant files. This month is a good time to uninstall outdated programs no longer in use, organize files and bookmarks, and even perform backups of your files and system. Not only does organizing and cleaning up these old files help make your data easier to access and sift through, it can also free up space, speed up your network, and even help keep your digital assets safe from hackers.


Small businesses in particular are very tempting to hackers, due to the fact that they have more assets than individuals to exploit, and tend to have fewer protections and more vulnerabilities than larger corporations. With a smaller team, many small businesses might not have an in-house IT team that has established proper security, such as firewalls and anti-virus software. Additionally, older programs that were never properly removed might not have been updated recently, and could have vulnerabilities that would make them easy prey for hackers. Small businesses might even have more relaxed policies about passwords, making them easier for hackers to guess or phish from unsuspecting employees.


Net Works doesn’t wait for Records and Information Management Month to get to work protecting you from hackers. We understand the specific risks that you, as a small business decision-maker, face in the digital age and with our professional team of tech experts, we can help make your business secure.


After a thorough audit of your current security measures, we’ll work with you to determine the best course of action for your business. Net Works can help you identify where your current security measures are lacking, and even help save you time and money by finding more efficient programs and methods for your digital operations. Additionally, we can help keep all of your data safe by encrypting it, while also performing regular backups to the cloud to assure your information is safe and accessible, should a disaster ever strike. By partnering with Net Works, you’ll also receive regular audits to make sure your digital operations are functioning as securely and efficiently as possible, and that no new vulnerabilities have popped up for hackers to exploit.


Being a small business doesn’t mean you have to fall prey to the dangers of not having an in-house IT team. Net-Works is a reliable, affordable way to keep your staff the size that works for you, without the security risks. Contact us today to learn more about how we can keep your business safe from hackers, and keep your business running smoothly and efficiently.


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